
迪孚(DF Service)是领先的一站式人力资源解决方案供应商,总部位于上海。DF Service 致力于为客户提供人力资源外包、人才派遣、人事代理、薪酬福利外包服务等综合人力资源解决方案。DF Service 期望成为客户最真诚的合作伙伴,助力客户的人才战略及业务成长。

DF Service is a leading provider of human capital services. We are based in Shanghai providing comprehensive human resources solutions to companies throughout China, including recruitment, contract staffing, personnel and staff welfare services. Our services help you maintain a flexible workforce, streamline the interview and placement process, customize human resources solutions and ensure the reduction in the time and money spent on hiring and personnel management.


Our Services

人才是每个公司取得成功的核心因素。DF Service了解人才,凭借对人力资源管理的深入洞察,我们能够帮助客户实现业务目标,优化人力资源战略。我们提供招聘解决方案、人才管理。通过一系列以质量为本的服务模式,我们能够满足客户的各种需求,根据客户目前的发展阶段,按照客户的理想方式,帮助客户实现目标。在以下各个领域为企业提供专业人才和灵活用工员工


People are the key to company’s success.  DF Service has a deep understanding of the talent market.  With the profound knowledge in China’s talent, DF Service helps our customers to achieve business goals by optimizing human resources solutions. DF Service offers expertise in various service models



Human Resources Outsource

一站式人力资源解决方案。DF Service可根据客户岗位需求提供合适的外派员工,并全面负责外派员工的招聘(更换)、劳动关系管理、薪酬服务、绩效追踪并承担用工风险 。

One-stop HR solution.  Provide flexible contracting services to company throughout China. DF Service provides higher-end professional and technical position hiring as well as performance tracking and employment management.



针对临时性、辅助性、替代性岗位,DF Service根据客户需求派遣合适的员工至客户处工作,并负责员工的招聘(更换)、劳动关系管理及薪酬服务 。

DF Service supports customers' workload through dispatching for temporary, auxiliary or substitute positions, and is responsible for contractor hiring (replacement), employment management and payroll management.



Payroll Service

DF Service提供覆盖全国30几个城市的社保、公积金代理缴纳,并可提供专业的员工考勤统计、薪酬计算、个税代缴、代发工资服务及补充福利发放(体检/各类福利卡券)。同时,可提供简洁明了的月度、年度报表供客户公司财务及HR团队参考和使用。

DF Service provides nationwide payroll services, including social insurance, attendance statistics, salary calculation, IIT filing and supplementary benefits with concise and clear monthly and annual reports for customer's financial and HR analysis.







DF Service 可根据客户需求,为客户精准招聘批量临时性或个别岗位的长期性用工员工



DF Service provides efficient permanent and temporary recruitment services in specific industries and functions upon customer's request.






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