About Us
迪孚(DF Service)是领先的一站式人力资源解决方案供应商,总部位于上海,服务网络辐射全国100多个城市。DF Service为企业提供全面的、整体化、一站式人力资源解决方案,包括灵活用工,猎头,人力资源外包,人才派遣和代缴社保、代发工资等。
DF Service is a leading provider of human capital services. We are based in Shanghai providing comprehensive human resources solutions to companies throughout China, including recruitment, contract staffing, personnel and staff welfare outsource services. Our services help you maintain a flexible workforce, streamline the interview and placement process, customize human resources solutions and ensure reduction in the time and money spent on hiring and personnel management.
Advantages and Values
We offer expertise in talent management and deeply understand Customer’s needs so that we can develop a suitable human resources solution to our customer.
Selection Process
作为聘用方面的专家,我们能找到合格的候选人,并使其顺利融入客户的新职位。我们能够进行候选人的筛选,包括从面试到背景调查的各项工作,并满足客户提出的任何其他要求。同时,我们将协助客户 对候选人进行最终筛选,并向符合其要求的候选人提供工作机会。
As a hiring expert, we find the candidates with the right qualifications to seamlessly transition into customers’ workplace. DF Service will perform all screening, from the interview to reference checks, as well as any other requirements customer specify. We will assist customer in the final candidate selection and make the job offer to the desired candidate.
Talent Management
As a human resources solution provider, we help customer maintain a flexible workforce, reduce the cost per hire, customize unique hiring options and ensure our talent is the best fit. At DF Service, we not only provide recruitment and payroll service, but we support higher-end professional and technical talent hiring, training and retaining to enable the optimization of customer’s human resources strategy.
我们的专业人才服务可以确保我们提供最符合客户要求的人才。在迪孚约定的质量保证期内,客户可以观察并评估所招聘员工的表现,以决定其是否是该职位的合适人选。如果客户在保证期内对 员工的表现不满意,可以通知迪孚,客户将无须支付该员工在剩余保证期内的服务费用。
Our services ensure that our talent is always the best possible fit. DF Service’s quality guarantee is a time frame in which you can observe the employee on the job to determine if he or she is the right person for the position. If during the period customer is dissatisfied with an employee’s performance, notify DF Service and customer will not be billed for the rest of the guaranteed time period that employee worked。